Tom Watson Hole In One: British Open 2011 (VIDEO) 150 150 Tom Watson
Tom Watson Hole In One: British Open 2011 (VIDEO)

Tom Watson Hole In One: 61-Year Old Golfer Makes Ace at British Open, 2011 To read article and see video of this incredible shot, click HERE.

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A Hole in One and Age Lines; Watson Has Both 150 150 Tom Watson
A Hole in One and Age Lines; Watson Has Both

A Hole In One and Age Lines; Watson Has Both by Christopher Clarey. SANDWICH, England — Enjoy Tom Watson while we have him: while he is still relevant, truly relevant, at…

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Watson Wins Senior PGA Tour Championship 150 150 Tom Watson
Watson Wins Senior PGA Tour Championship

Watson Continues to Inspire  by John Feinstein “Let me begin today with a disclaimer: I consider Tom Watson a friend….” Click HERE to read the full article at

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Press Release: The Timeless Swing 150 150 Tom Watson
Press Release: The Timeless Swing

Tom Watson’s swing has won majors. It has battled at Amen Corner. Tamed the fierce Carnoustie. It has triumphed in the gorse at Turnberry and taken the bite out of…

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Nicklaus/Watson win Champions Skins again 150 150 Tom Watson
Nicklaus/Watson win Champions Skins again

KAANAPALI, Hawaii — Jack Nicklaus and Tom Watson successfully defended their Champions Skins Game title Sunday, finishing with seven skins and $310,000 to edge Mark O’Meara and Bernhard Langer by…

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Tom Watson Lessons of a Lifetime: Review of Recent DVD Release 150 150 Tom Watson
Tom Watson Lessons of a Lifetime: Review of Recent DVD Release

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2010 First Tee Open: Saturday at Pebble Beaach 150 150 Tom Watson
2010 First Tee Open: Saturday at Pebble Beaach

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Golf notebook: Watson, Zoeller confirm for First Tee Open 150 150 Tom Watson
Golf notebook: Watson, Zoeller confirm for First Tee Open

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Watson Accepts Honorary Life Membership 150 150 Tom Watson
Watson Accepts Honorary Life Membership


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Watson Says Goodbye With a Kiss 150 150 Tom Watson
Watson Says Goodbye With a Kiss

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