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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

#TomsTips: Stand Tall and Deliver 756 507 Tom Watson
#TomsTips: Stand Tall and Deliver

Don’t slouch. The more your back is curved at address, a common problem, the more likely it is you’ll have to lift up to hit the ball with any authority.…

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#TomsTips: How To Use Grip Pressure to Prevent a Hook or a Slice 760 510 Tom Watson
#TomsTips: How To Use Grip Pressure to Prevent a Hook or a Slice

Hold the club tighter with the last three fingers of your left hand to prevent a hook. Conversely, lighten grip pressure in the left hand to prevent a slice. I…

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#TomsTips: Where To Tee Your Ball for the Best Angle 760 509 Tom Watson
#TomsTips: Where To Tee Your Ball for the Best Angle

Teeing up on the correct side of the teeing ground promotes a better angle to your target—and a safer shot. I always recommend to slicers that they tee up on…

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#TomsTips: Wind = Break – For Shots From Any Distance 760 507 Tom Watson
#TomsTips: Wind = Break – For Shots From Any Distance

  I won my first major at The British Open at Carnoustie, in windy conditions, in 1975. It reminded me that when dealing with a crosswind, you should think of the…

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