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July 2011

Tom Watson Having Another Strong Championship 150 150 Tom Watson
Tom Watson Having Another Strong Championship

Tom Watson Having Another Strong Championship by Andy Farrell SANDWICH, England — It was a day for Watson pars. Fortunately for Tom Watson, he made a ton of them…. Click…

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Tom Watson Turns Back the Clock 150 150 Tom Watson
Tom Watson Turns Back the Clock

Tom Watson Turns Back the Clock by Bob Harig SANDWICH, England — With water still dripping from his cap, Tom Watson stepped under cover to discuss his rain-soaked round, a 72…

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Tom Watson Hole In One: British Open 2011 (VIDEO) 150 150 Tom Watson
Tom Watson Hole In One: British Open 2011 (VIDEO)

Tom Watson Hole In One: 61-Year Old Golfer Makes Ace at British Open, 2011 To read article and see video of this incredible shot, click HERE.

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A Hole in One and Age Lines; Watson Has Both 150 150 Tom Watson
A Hole in One and Age Lines; Watson Has Both

A Hole In One and Age Lines; Watson Has Both by Christopher Clarey. SANDWICH, England — Enjoy Tom Watson while we have him: while he is still relevant, truly relevant, at…

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