VIEW INSTRUCTION LESSONS OF A LIFETIME II One of the Best Golf Instruction Programs of All Time The Tom Watson Lessons of a Lifetime Program! It has become one of the best selling golf instruction programs of all time having sold in over 40 countries in 5 languages. ORDER DVDS NOW ORDER DIGITAL VERSION Learn More About These Two Programs Tom Watson's Final Masters Appearance APRIL 2016: Complete media coverage of Watson's farewell to a 43-year Masters Career VIEW UPDATE
Tom Watson


Tom is one of the most enduring professional golfers of all time. Watson won 39 times on the PGA tour with an aggressive, fast-paced style. He was named PGA Player of the Year six times, and the leading money winner five times. Playing mostly on the over-50 Champions Tour now, he has won 14 more times there, including six (6) PGA TOUR Champions major tournaments.


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